Greetings to all from Liturgy Brisbane.
This edition of LITed looks ahead to the wondrous celebration of Christmas.
As we await the Christmas message from Pope Francis for 2020, we have included his Apostolic Letter which discusses the meaning and importance of setting up a nativity scene in homes, schools, and public spaces.
We also introduce a segment from Fr Elio Capra's new website, Art and Soul which presents a series of videos prompting viewers to uncover the spiritual dimension in particular works of art.
The video included in this edition of LITed delves into "The Mystical Nativity" by Sandro Botticelli.
The final article explores the fullness of Christmas as a season, rather than just a day of celebration.
It presents traditions and rituals that families might adopt to enter more fully into the mystery of Christmas, and outlines the array of feasts which appear on the liturgical calendar during this time.
Wishing you the peace, hope and joy of Christmas.
From all of us at Liturgy Brisbane.
This edition of LITed looks ahead to the wondrous celebration of Christmas.
As we await the Christmas message from Pope Francis for 2020, we have included his Apostolic Letter which discusses the meaning and importance of setting up a nativity scene in homes, schools, and public spaces.
We also introduce a segment from Fr Elio Capra's new website, Art and Soul which presents a series of videos prompting viewers to uncover the spiritual dimension in particular works of art.
The video included in this edition of LITed delves into "The Mystical Nativity" by Sandro Botticelli.
The final article explores the fullness of Christmas as a season, rather than just a day of celebration.
It presents traditions and rituals that families might adopt to enter more fully into the mystery of Christmas, and outlines the array of feasts which appear on the liturgical calendar during this time.
Wishing you the peace, hope and joy of Christmas.
From all of us at Liturgy Brisbane.
Articles on Christmas 2020
The Nativity ScenePope Francis' Apostolic Letter, Admirabile Signum, illuminates the meaning and importance of setting up a Nativity in the home, and in workplaces, schools, hospitals, prisons and town squares.
The Mystical Nativity - BotticelliFr Elio Capra shares his thoughts on 'The Mystical Nativity' by Botticelli. He discusses the techniques and history of the work, but focuses on the spiritual dimension in order to promote reflection and prayer.
The Season of ChristmasChristmas is not just a day, but rather a season. This article outlines some rituals and traditions which can help families to continue the celebration of Christ's birth throughout the entire Christmas season
First Sunday in February
In September last year, Pope Francis declared that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time would be dedicated to the word of God.
A different date has been chosen for Australia, however, due to the occurrence of Australia Day around this time.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has set down the first Sunday in February as the date for the celebration of Word of God Sunday.
This timing was chosen to keep the date close to the Holy See observance on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time so as to enable use of any resources distributed via the Vatican website.
As noted in the Ordo 2021, this means that Australia will celebrate Word of God Sunday on February 7 in 2021.
A different date has been chosen for Australia, however, due to the occurrence of Australia Day around this time.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has set down the first Sunday in February as the date for the celebration of Word of God Sunday.
This timing was chosen to keep the date close to the Holy See observance on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time so as to enable use of any resources distributed via the Vatican website.
As noted in the Ordo 2021, this means that Australia will celebrate Word of God Sunday on February 7 in 2021.
The following is an extract from an article by Carol Glatz from the National Catholic Reporter:
Devoting a special day "to the celebration, study and dissemination of the word of God" will help the church "experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world," the pope said.
The declaration to have a "Sunday of the Word of God" was made in a new document, given "motu proprio," on the pope's own initiative. Its title, "Aperuit Illis," is based on a verse from the Gospel of St. Luke, "Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures."
"The relationship between the risen Lord, the community of believers and sacred Scripture is essential to our identity as Christians," the pope said in the apostolic letter, released by the Vatican Sept. 30, the feast of St. Jerome, patron saint of biblical scholars.
"The Bible cannot be just the heritage of some, much less a collection of books for the benefit of a privileged few. It belongs above all to those called to hear its message and to recognize themselves in its words," the pope wrote.
"The Bible is the book of the Lord's people, who, in listening to it, move from dispersion and division toward unity" as well as come to understand God's love and become inspired to share it with others, he added.
Without the Lord who opens people's minds to his word, it is impossible to understand the Scriptures in depth, yet "without the Scriptures, the events of the mission of Jesus and of his church in this world would remain incomprehensible," he wrote.
Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, told Vatican News Sept. 30 that added emphasis on the importance of the word of God is needed because "the overwhelming majority" of Catholics are not familiar with sacred Scripture. For many, the only time they hear the word of God is when they attend Mass, he added.
"The Bible is the most widely distributed book, but it also perhaps the one most covered in dust because it is not held in our hands," the archbishop said.
With this apostolic letter, the pope "invites us to hold the word of God in our hands every day as much as possible so that it becomes our prayer" and a greater part of one's lived experience, he said.
Francis said in the letter, "A day devoted to the Bible should not be seen as a yearly event but rather a yearlong event, for we urgently need to grow in our knowledge and love of the Scriptures and of the risen Lord, who continues to speak his word and to break bread in the community of believers."
"We need to develop a closer relationship with sacred Scripture; otherwise, our hearts will remain cold and our eyes shut, struck as we are by so many forms of blindness," he wrote.
Sacred Scripture and the sacraments are inseparable, he wrote. Jesus speaks to everyone with his word in sacred Scripture, and if people "hear his voice and open the doors of our minds and hearts, then he will enter our lives and remain ever with us," he said.
Click here to view the full article on the NCR website.
Sunday Readings and Praying With Children resources are now available by subscription.
Resources are available to parishes, schools and to individual subscribers.
The Praying with Children resource has been expanded to include music (audio, sheet music and PowerPoint).
It also includes the features you have become familiar with, including a gospel reading, reflection, video, discussion topic and group activity. This resource has been designed for use: 1) at Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass and 2) by parents and children in the home. Subscribers receive an email each week which contains the link to the current week's web page, as well as an accompanying PDF. Parishes who subscribe may forward this email on to parishioners, or they may decide just to send the PDF. |
Praying Together With Young People 2021
Introducing a new daily prayer resource designed to help teachers, parents and catechists to lead prayer with a class or family. Also includes an electronic flip-book version of the book for easy display on screens.
The structure of the prayer for each weekday is the same so that prayer time becomes a familiar routine, leading children into a liturgical pattern of responses. Responses to the gospel reading for each day include intercessions, songs, guided meditations, short video clips or silent prayer. Hyperlinks in the electronic version of the resource provide easy access to online reflections.
Sample pages are available to view on the Liturgy Brisbane website. (Click on the image below)
Liturgy News is a seasonal periodical from Liturgy Brisbane. A sixteen-page journal, printed in colour, the magazine is sent to subscribers either in hard copy or electronic form at the end of each quarter. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Liturgy News. In 2020, our covers feature four people from Australia and the Pacific who are travelling the path to sainthood. The Autumn cover features Dr Sr Mary Glowrey, a medical doctor who became a religious sister and lived much of her life in India. Each issue features commentary and insight from Australia's leading liturgists. Written for parishes, schools, experts and novices, Liturgy News is an essential tool for anyone working in liturgy! The complete index is searchable on the Liturgy Brisbane website, and back issues from 2001 onwards are available as PDF downloads. ORDER ONLINE at Magazine by Mail $30 per year + postage Magazine by Email $25 per year |
Now with new and improved features!
Subscribe now to gain access to this vital liturgy preparation resource. |
The Wedding by LITURGIA has been designed for couples who are preparing their wedding liturgy. This electronic resource contains all the readings and prayers from the new revised Order of Celebrating Matrimony as well as music suggestions and lyrics of hymns. It runs on all Internet enabled devices: PCs, Macs, Tablets and Phones. Choose from the full range of prayers and readings and prepare the liturgy from start to finish. No need to type in any texts! View music suggestions for each part of the liturgy and insert your chosen hymns, with lyrics, into your liturgy plan. Type in the names of the bride and groom, and the names appear correctly throughout all of the ritual texts. Export your liturgy to Word or PDF and print a booklet, or create a PowerPoint presentation for use on display screens. It also comes with a companion hard-copy book (pictured) which contains all the prayers and texts of the Catholic marriage rite along with other helpful information. Click here to order. |
The Funeral by LITURGIA is an electronic resource which has been designed for families who are preparing the funeral of a loved one, or for those who may wish to prepare their own funeral.
This electronic resource contains all the readings and prayers from the Order of Christian Funerals as well as music suggestions and lyrics of hymns. It runs on all Internet enabled devices: PCs, Macs, Tablets and Phones. Choose from the full range of prayers and readings and prepare the liturgy from start to finish with no need to type in any texts! Type in the name of the deceased and this name appears correctly throughout all of the ritual texts. Export your liturgy to Word or PDF and print a booklet, or create a PowerPoint presentation for use on display screens. This resource also comes with a companion hard-copy book (pictured) which contains all the prayers and texts of the Catholic funeral rite along with other helpful information. Click here to order |
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