In this edition:
Australia's Liturgists and Archbishop Mark Coleridge at the launch of Liturgia.
29 October, 2018
Liturgy PreparationWelcome to this fortnight's edition of LITed: Liturgical Education News.
This past month has been incredibly busy at Liturgy Brisbane. We are excited to launch the trial of Liturgia on November 1. With Liturgia as our inspiration, in this edition we look at the principles and resources to support great liturgy preparation. |
Feature articles about liturgy preparation
Principles of liturgy preparationEvery parish needs a liturgy planning committee or team. Read a list of what your group needs to do and know.
Documents that support liturgy planningThere are four key documents that support excellent liturgical preparation. Read our general introduction.
Liturgia launches!Liturgy Brisbane has announced that the trial version of Liturgia will be launched on November 1 to existing LabOra customers.
The Meaning of LiturgyThe Liturgial Institute within the University of St Mary of the Lake in Chicago produced the Elements of the Catholic Mass about three years ago. It is a great series for Liturgy 101. This 3 minute film could be a great way to begin formation with a new liturgy planning team.
The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows... [the baptised] should come together to praise God in the midst of His Church, to take part in the sacrifice, and to eat the Lord's supper.
Pope Paul VI
Sacrosanctum Concilium: Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
What other publications are saying about liturgy preparation
Synod: Youth + LiturgyPRAYTELL: A review of the final document from the October Bishops Synod in Rome. This article addresses what the world's youth told the bishops about the Liturgy.
Rites & WrongsTom O'Loughlin is visiting NZ next year. Have you seen his latest book, 'The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy?' A short, but worthwhile read. Recommended!
Listening + DialogueLITURGY NEWS: In his recent editorial, Dr Tom Elich ponders a list of reflective liturgical questions that might be used during local Listening and Dialogue sessions.
Resources for Liturgy Preparation
Liturgy Committee GuidelinesLiturgy Brisbane provides a document to guide how liturgy committee and planning teams should work.
Liturgy Preparation TemplateThe Liturgy Office in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle provides an excellent planning template for liturgy preparation teams.
UK Liturgy Preparation WebsiteA long list of resources for liturgy preparation including power points and texts from the Liturgy Office of England and Wales.
Out NowLiturgy News LATEST ISSUE> RCIA + the Period of Mystagogy > Liturgy and Plenary Council > Recruiting and training music ministers > Book Review: 'The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy: Why Good Liturgy Matters" (Tom O'Loughlin) Buy four issues, delivered for $30 |
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Other images from Unsplash. 2017. Used under license. Full terms and conditions.