Greetings to all from Liturgy Brisbane.
This issue of LitEd offers a range of articles on the subject of Sacramental Preparation for children.
These offer an opportunity to reflect upon how children and their families might more intentionally be invited into the mysteries being celebrated.
These are indeed key moments of evangelisation, both for children and their parents. There are many things to consider to ensure that these times of sacramental preparation are geared towards forming missionary disciples and to renewing the parish community as a whole.
These themes of 'mystery' and 'mission' are to be explored in great depth at the upcoming National Liturgy and Liturgical Music Conference to be held in Brisbane. The Conference is entitled Mystery and Mission: The Art of Liturgical Celebration. All those with an interest in liturgy are invited to attend and experience a broad array of presenters and speakers as well as participating in daily prayer experiences, the Conference Mass, focussed discussion groups, an expert panel session and of course some invaluable networking and conversation.
Read more and register at
With very best wishes from all of us at Liturgy Brisbane.
This issue of LitEd offers a range of articles on the subject of Sacramental Preparation for children.
These offer an opportunity to reflect upon how children and their families might more intentionally be invited into the mysteries being celebrated.
These are indeed key moments of evangelisation, both for children and their parents. There are many things to consider to ensure that these times of sacramental preparation are geared towards forming missionary disciples and to renewing the parish community as a whole.
These themes of 'mystery' and 'mission' are to be explored in great depth at the upcoming National Liturgy and Liturgical Music Conference to be held in Brisbane. The Conference is entitled Mystery and Mission: The Art of Liturgical Celebration. All those with an interest in liturgy are invited to attend and experience a broad array of presenters and speakers as well as participating in daily prayer experiences, the Conference Mass, focussed discussion groups, an expert panel session and of course some invaluable networking and conversation.
Read more and register at
With very best wishes from all of us at Liturgy Brisbane.
Preparing for BaptismAnne Frawley-Mangan describes an integrated approach to sacramental preparation, inviting families more intentionally into parish liturgical celebrations and embracing a 'process' model rather a 'program' approach.
Sacramental Preparation Should Rely on a Language of MysteryJoe Paprocki explores the value of igniting children's imaginations when preparing for sacramental celebrations, offering strategies for engaging the Church's 'language of mystery'.
Lift up Your Hearts - Completing the Initiation of ChildrenBarry Craig reviews the sacraments of initiation and their order with reference to Scripture and Early Church practices before considering the place of Penance alongside Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Sacramental Preparation – One Size Doesn’t Fit AllMary Anne Baillie discusses the importance of a partnership between family, school, catechist and parish in preparing children for the sacraments and offers a model for conducting sacramental preparation sessions.
Now with new and improved features!
Subscribe now to gain access to this vital liturgy preparation resource. |
Liturgy Brisbane Learn & Discover offers online training courses for all involved in liturgy and liturgical ministry.
View all available online courses here.
Each comprehensive course contains videos, readings, quizzes, course notes and provides a certificate on completion.
New courses are being developed and will be added as they become available.
Use this link and click on the course graphic for details of each course.
Praying With Children and Sunday Readings resources are available by subscription.
Resources are available to parishes, schools and to individual subscribers.
Praying with Children has been designed for use:
1) at Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass 2) by teachers in primary school classrooms 3) by parents and children in the home. It includes a full liturgy of the word with gospel reading, music selections, reflection, video, discussion topic, and group activity. Parishes who subscribe may share the resource with families in their parish. Some find this a valuable component of sacramental preparation. |
Sunday Readings subscribers receive a link to the weekly webpages which provide the Sunday readings and associated commentaries.
PDFs are also provided and are downloadable from the webpage. Subscribing parishes may share these resources with their parishioners. |
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