Welcome to our new Liturgy Education fortnightly newsletter from Liturgy Brisbane. We intend to bring you the latest liturgical news from around Australia and the world, connecting you with the resources of Liturgy Brisbane. Each fortnight we will investigate a particular topic and highlight resources that may support your work. In this issue, we explore Children's Liturgy in Sunday Worship. As always, please contact us any time with questions and recommendations.
With warm regards,
James Robinson
Education Officer
Welcome to our new Liturgy Education fortnightly newsletter from Liturgy Brisbane. We intend to bring you the latest liturgical news from around Australia and the world, connecting you with the resources of Liturgy Brisbane. Each fortnight we will investigate a particular topic and highlight resources that may support your work. In this issue, we explore Children's Liturgy in Sunday Worship. As always, please contact us any time with questions and recommendations.
With warm regards,
James Robinson
Education Officer
Why offer a Children's Liturgy?
Does a Liturgy of the Word for Children need to happen every Sunday?
Responding to Disruption
Accommodating young families with children on Sundays
Gesture and Movement
Integrating movement and gestures for children into Sunday Eucharist.
General Guidelines
Understanding why and how we celebrate Liturgy of the Word with Children.
Children's Liturgies in LabOra Worship
LabOra Worship has a Children's Liturgy for every Sunday of the Liturgical year. See the tutorial video for instructions on accessing the resources, or you are welcome to call us here at Liturgy Brisbane for assistance.
Resources to assist Children's Liturgy of the Word
We Pray As One
This print resource is designed for teachers and parents to lead prayer with school-aged children through-out the week. Using the Liturgy of the Hours as its foundation, the book follows the Liturgical year and provides a first reading, psalm, Gospel, intercession and blessing for each school day.
CAFOD Children's Liturgy
CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales (similar to Caritas Australia). CAFOD provides a downloadable word document that contains a simple Liturgy of the Word and activity. As CADOD works in charity and agency, their children's Liturgy has a social justice focus. Most weeks feature a downloadable Power Point presentation. Resources are provided free of charge.
Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children
The three Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children are restricted to Masses which are celebrated with children only or where the majority of participants are children. Because they are intended to lead pre-adolescents to the celebration of Mass with adults, these prayers for children are both like and unlike the other prayers. All of the elements regarded as integral for a eucharistic prayer are present and the structure is the same as that of Eucharistic Prayers I to IV.
Headlines from other publications
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