Greetings to all from Liturgy Brisbane.
With this issue we focus on the recent Apostolic Letter by Pope Francis (29 June 2022) on the liturgical formation of the People of God. The title of this document, Desiderio desideravi – “I have ardently longed” derives from the words of Jesus which open the account of the Last Supper (Luke 22:15). This apostolic letter outlines Pope Francis’ theology of the liturgy derived from the principles spelled out in Sacrosanctum Concilium. It is addressed not only to bishops, priests, deacons, and consecrated men and women, but to all the lay faithful. Pope Francis highlights the importance of formation for the liturgy, with liturgical catechesis that focuses on the rubrics, theology and beauty of the liturgy. Yet he holds this in balance with the need for formation by the liturgy, in which those participating in the liturgical celebration are open to being formed through their encounter with Christ.
This edition provides a link to the document itself, to an article which highlights key elements and emphases of Pope Francis' message, and to a short collection of 10 quotes from the document. In this issue you will also find a link to a short video in which Fr John Baldovin explores this latest apostolic letter from Pope Francis.
We have also included a sneak-peek at the covers for the 2023 annual publications.
Orders for these books, and for electronic annual resources will open on September 1, 2022.
With very best wishes from all of us at Liturgy Brisbane.
With this issue we focus on the recent Apostolic Letter by Pope Francis (29 June 2022) on the liturgical formation of the People of God. The title of this document, Desiderio desideravi – “I have ardently longed” derives from the words of Jesus which open the account of the Last Supper (Luke 22:15). This apostolic letter outlines Pope Francis’ theology of the liturgy derived from the principles spelled out in Sacrosanctum Concilium. It is addressed not only to bishops, priests, deacons, and consecrated men and women, but to all the lay faithful. Pope Francis highlights the importance of formation for the liturgy, with liturgical catechesis that focuses on the rubrics, theology and beauty of the liturgy. Yet he holds this in balance with the need for formation by the liturgy, in which those participating in the liturgical celebration are open to being formed through their encounter with Christ.
This edition provides a link to the document itself, to an article which highlights key elements and emphases of Pope Francis' message, and to a short collection of 10 quotes from the document. In this issue you will also find a link to a short video in which Fr John Baldovin explores this latest apostolic letter from Pope Francis.
We have also included a sneak-peek at the covers for the 2023 annual publications.
Orders for these books, and for electronic annual resources will open on September 1, 2022.
With very best wishes from all of us at Liturgy Brisbane.
10 Quotes from Desiderio Desideravi
What You Should Know About Pope Francis’
Online Training : Liturgy for Primary Teachers
Course Overview
Module 1: Introduction to Liturgy
Module 2: Structure of the Mass & Liturgical Year
Module 3: Singing & Music
Module 4: Adapting & Creating Liturgical Prayers
Module 5: Ministers & Ministries
Module 6: Liturgy other than Mass
Module 7: Preparing a Mass Step by Step
(Total course time: approx. 5 hours)
Topics Include:
- Using the Directory for Masses with Children
- Recommended adaptations for children
- The parts of the Mass
- Adapting & creating prayers
- How to choose music for different parts of the Mass
- Using projection screens in liturgy
- Creating a liturgical space
- Bringing the Liturgy of the Word alive for children
- Children in liturgical ministry
- The importance of participation by all
- Preparing “non-Mass” liturgies
- Step-by-step guide to preparing a Mass
Visit the Liturgy Brisbane website to view and purchase courses.
Praying With Children and Sunday Readings resources are available by subscription.
Resources are available to parishes, schools and to individual subscribers.
Praying with Children has been designed for use:
1) at Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass 2) by teachers in primary school classrooms 3) by parents and children in the home. It includes a full liturgy of the word with gospel reading, music selections, reflection, video, discussion topic, and group activity. Parishes who subscribe may share the resource with families in their parish. Some find this a valuable component of sacramental preparation. |
Sunday Readings subscribers receive a link to the weekly webpages which provide the Sunday readings and associated commentaries.
PDFs are also provided and are downloadable from the webpage. Subscribing parishes may share these resources with their parishioners. |
Liturgy News now freely available to all!
Click here to download the latest issue. Liturgy News is a seasonal periodical from Liturgy Brisbane. Each issue features commentary and insight from Australia's leading liturgists. Written for parishes, schools, experts and novices. Liturgy News is an essential tool for anyone working in liturgy! Now freely available at the end of each quarter on the Liturgy Brisbane website. Contact us if you would like us to email you the PDF of each new issue as it is released. Past editions of Liturgy News are also available for PDF download from March 2001 (Vol 31 No 1). The complete index is searchable on the Liturgy Brisbane website. |
Now with new and improved features!
Subscribe now to gain access to this vital liturgy preparation resource. |
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