In this edition:
3 February, 2018.
The Sacrament Of MarriageWelcome to this fortnight's edition of LITed: Liturgical Education News.
The Church continues to grapple with the complexity of human relationships. The Bishops' Synod in 2015 resulted in the contested Amoris Laetitia. More recently, Australians (many of them Catholic) voted resoundingly for marriage equality. With fewer young people choosing to marry in the Church, how we authentically, compassionately and realistically approach marriage and human relationships becomes less about Church law and more about evangelisation and the future of our communities. |
Feature Articles
A Galileo Moment?Recently a New Zealand Bishop pondered whether we are facing a 'Galileo Moment' when it comes to blessing same-sex partnerships.
Redefining MarriageWhat would it look like if we were to accept a form of betrothal which enshrined a promise to marry in the future?
The Celebration of MarriageCatholic Australia provides an overview to the Sacrament of Marriage with a comprehensive commentary about the rite.
"...The family is important, and it is necessary for the survival of humanity. Without the family, the cultural survival of the human race would be at risk. The family,whether we like it or not, is the foundation..."
Pope Francis, Radio interview, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 27th, 2013
Recommended Resources
Sacramental WorkshopsDesigned for couples who are preparing their wedding liturgy, this electronic resource contains all the readings and prayers from the new revised Order of Celebrating Matrimony as well as music suggestions.
Liturgy Team Discussion GroupsLiturgy Brisbane announces a discussion group process that will support formation for Liturgy Preparation Teams in parishes. Come join us in Caloundra or Upper Mt Gravatt! Please consider joining us for this exciting program.
Before we say 'forever'A workbook-journal to help couples prepare for their marriage. This is a most useful resource for those unable to go to pre-marriage courses and an excellent way for the celebrant to give the couple 'homework' between sessions.
A Joy-Filled SacramentThis clip is a beautifully shot, 2 minute video that accurately and appropriately describes the Sacrament of Marriage. It would be a reasonable resource to include with parish tools which introduce the basic theology that underpins the Sacrament.
If you prefer to delve a little deeper, this video from Busted Halo explores the difficult questions around the Sacrament that many working in a parish setting would probably come across frequently. |
Other Publications
Amoris LaetitiaACR: 'Amoris Laetitia' changes how church teaches about families. Chicago cardinal details 'enormous change' of Francis' 2016 apostolic exhortation: heeding laypeople, having 'deep respect' for conscience.
Marriage no protection for WomenEureka Street: Whatever your views about marriage, its history as a coherent regulated institution at law does not lie in the church. Rather, it lies with the state to determine property rights.
Bless Same Sex Unions?Praytell: Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, vice president of the German Bishops’ Conference, has called for consideration of blessing of same-sex unions, German media report.
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Other images from Unsplash. 2017. Used under license. Full terms and conditions.