In this edition:
Ministers of the Word
Welcome to this fortnight's edition of LITed: Liturgical Education News. In this edition we explore articles and resources that may be of use to those in your community engaged as Ministers of the Word. You might like to forward the link to this page to others in your community. Explore below to find out more about formation for readers, ideas for preparing together for Sunday as well as resources from Liturgy Brisbane especially designed and prepared for your ministry.
James Robinson Education Officer, Liturgy Brisbane |
Videos that train Ministers of the WordThere are a number of videos produced by different American parishes available on YouTube that provide some reasonable training for Lectors and Ministers of the Word. Most are particular to their parish's needs, so some discernment is necessary. The video to the left is an example from a Parish in Michigan. The film provides a good general instruction for new readers.
Of course, the best way to be formed as a reader is to meet in person in your parish to learn from others in your community! |
Resources for Ministers of the Word
Powerful Points for Liturgical Ministers
This resource for the formation of liturgical ministers covers: Introduction for Liturgical Ministers, Ministers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Music, Ministers of the Sick and Dying, Ministers of Hospitality, Altar Servers (plus Junior Servers), Lay Leaders of the Liturgy, Ministers for Children’s Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy Preparation Teams. There are two 90 minutes sessions for each topic, the first offering a theological introduction to the ministry and the second addressing practical and pastoral issues. Read a general overview.
Liturgy NewsIn the June issue:
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