In this edition:
26 July, 2019
What do deacons do?Welcome to this fortnight's edition of LITed: Liturgical Education News.
In this edition we explore the role of deacon. We wonder why we don't have women deacons when we have a history of appointing them to role previously. We look at how a deacon's role is different to the role of parish priest. We also have our regular curated list of professional learning and resources. |
Feature Articles
What's the problem with women deacons?Pope Francis has a commission currently working on this question. The Catholic Church has a history of appointing women to the deaconate, and could reasonably do so again.
How are deacons different to priests?Both clergy members wear vestments at Mass and in some dioceses, both even wear Roman collars. How are the roles different? What are the particular virtues of the deacon's role?
A servant's heartA most surprising article that explores why so many European bishops pushed for the permanent diaconate at Vatican II. The writer traces the conversation to a concentration camp.
The role of deaconIn the Roman Catholic Church, deacons may perform some duties of priests, such as presiding at baptisms, marriages and funerals. Currently, only men are allowed to be Catholic deacons. Pope Francis recently said he would establish a commission to study whether the diaconate should be opened to women as well. Judy Valente from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly reports on the role of deacons and efforts to see women included in that role.
The permanent diaconate in the Australian Church
National Association of DeaconsNAD: The National Association of Deacons has a regular newsletter, web links and resources. Helpful to anyone considering working in or with the ministry of deacon.
Norms and Guidelines for deaconsThe Australian Bishops officially launched new norms and guidelines for the permanent diaconate during their plenary meeting in Sydney on May 8, 2017.
Becoming a permanent deaconVisit the Catholic Vocations Ministry Australia web page for information about the role of permanent deacon, or contact your local parish priest or Vocations office.
"...Christianity spreads through the joy of disciples who know that they are loved and saved..."
Pope Francis
Plenary Council Song, ListenPeter Pelicaan has written a very catchy tune for the Plenary Council called, "Listen". The song was launched at the Proclaim Conference, along with a video. Peter is currently in the process of registering the song with OneLicence. He will release the score shortly but the guitar chords are available on the Plenary website.
Have your sayYou can make your very own submission to the Plenary Council 2020. Take the short 20 minute survey to contribute to the conversation. You might like to consider mentioning liturgy and liturgical formation as a priority for the Australian Church as we plan for the future. Remember, the very first session at Vatican II was about the liturgy: the source and summit of who we are as Catholics. I wonder if that will hold true for the Plenary as well?
Other Publications
National Office for Liturgy NewsletterThe National Office for Liturgy has just released a newsletter. It contains important updates including news that our own Clare Schwantes has been appointed to the National Liturgical Council.
Communion GuidelinesAlso contained in the National Office for Liturgy's Newsletter are a set of guidelines based on the Church's liturgical norms for reverent reception of Holy Communion in the Latin rite.
FREE Gaillardetz lecturesIn August, the Archdiocese of Brisbane, in collaboration with ACU, IFE and Evangelisation Brisbane will be host to Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz, a Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College.
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